Corriani Edizioni

Good Design by Bruno Munari


Good Design was published for the first time in 1963 by Scheiwiller Editore.
It was then reprinted by Maurizio Corraini and Vanni Scheiwiller together in 1997 to celebrate Bruno Munari’s 90th birthday.
In September 1998 it was added to the Corraini Edizioni catalogue. With its good-humoured look at natural shapes seen through the eyes of a designer, this hugely significant book is celebrating its 60th anniversary. 
An example of good design? An orange  -  “an almost perfect object where shape, function and use display total consistency”.

ISBN:  9788886250795

Languages:  Italian and English

Binding:  stitched binding

Pages:  32

Width:  12

Height:  12

Edition:  2003

Reprint:  eighth


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