The story of the Arnold Circus Stool traces its journey from its origin as a practical piece of furniture designed to revitalise a disused park in East London to its status as a ubiquitous sight in international art centers and homes across New Zealand and Korea. Martino Gamper's creation follows a decade of local success evolving into a global phenomenon, showcasing its vibrant and colorful impact.
Author/ Editor: Martino Gamper and Åbäke
With texts by Cornelia Parker, Robin Hatton-Gore, Anna Salaman, Alex Klein, Michael Marriott amongst others.
Design: Åbäke
Printed by: SYL, Spain
First published: 2022
ISBN: 978-1-907908-65-1
First Edition: 3500 copies
Pages: 96
Size: G6 (116 x 166mm)
Weight: 120 gram
Cover: Soft
Language: English